I never got into Pinterest for two main reasons: 1) I've heard that people can spend hours on it clicking the flamboyant "Pin it!" button. 2) The majority of the pictures on there will make me feel inadequate in one way or another. (i.e. why haven't I thought of making a mirror out of spoons?) I ...
How McDonalds Saved My Life
When I first entered the field of dietetics, I was against all fast food. To me, McDonald’s was an evil corporation filled with McFatty fake fried food. And to a certain point, it is. According to their website, a single Chicken McNugget contains over 25 ingredients, some of which I can hardly pronounce. My opinion of McDonald’s ...
My Useless Lung
You probably know by now of my current situation
Parking Tickets & Macklemore
I received a parking ticket yesterday
It All Started With A Fat Leg
So much can happen in such a short amount of time. These past months flew by, yet I feel like I need time to go even faster. As many of you know, I was diagnosed with cancer at the end of March, and I’ve been battling it since. The outpouring amount of support, love and ...